Michel Design Works The Starry Night Foaming Hand Soap
Home>Shop>Bath & Body>Foaming Soap>Foaming Hand Soap - 530ml>Michel Design Works The Starry Night Foaming Hand Soap
Categories Bath & Body, Foaming Hand Soap - 530ml, Foaming Soap
Tags foaming hand soap, Foaming Soap, Liquid Soap, Michel Design Works, Museum Collection, Soap, the starry night
Michel Design Works The Starry Night Foaming Hand Soap
Presenting our gorgeous range of Museum Collection Foaming Hand Soaps. The generous size of our foaming hand soap proves you can offer great value without sacrificing quality. The soap contains luxurious shea butter and aloe vera, for gentle cleansing and moisturizing. It also makes a great gift and is perfect all year round.- Print: ‘The Starry Night’ (originally titled ‘De sterrennacht’) is an 1889 painting by Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh.
- Fragrance: Clean Linen
- Approximate Size: 17.8 fl. oz. / 530 ml liquid.