Michel Design Works Birds & Butterflies Large Soap Bar
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Categories Bath & Body, Large Soap Bars - 246g, Soap
Tags Birds and Butterflies, Large Soap Bar, Michel Design Works, Soap Bar
Michel Design Works Birds & Butterflies Large Soap Bar
Our triple-milled soap is silky smooth and long lasting, and contains the finest pure palm oil, glycerin, and rich shea butter. Exquisitely wrapped in Michel Design artwork with the classy logo seal, it also makes a great gift and is perfect all year round.
- Fragrance: Floral & Fruit – Acacia flowers sweetened with plum and vanilla, with just a squeeze of citrus
- Approximate Size: 8.7 oz. / 246 g
- Box Size: 4.4 x 2.75 x 2” / 11.1 x 7 x 5.1 cm
- Made in England